the discovery

my blog has been discovered by a co-worker. she doesn’t know that i know.

until now.

she’s young and blonde. i wasn’t sure if she was single, or attached.

she looks at my blog late at night, most nights.

sometimes, she looks at my blog from her work computer during the day.

she’s naughty.

i don’t know her well, but i know she’s a good catholic girl.

she’s very naughty.

she has searched my blog for “love” several times.

she has also searched my blog for “engaged”, “church”, “saviour”, “jesus”, “christ”, and “wife”.

oh really?

i guess she’s single, and is looking for that special someone.

(hello “kirsten”, i know that’s not your real name)

what are you looking for kirsten?

are you looking for someone special?


why don’t you tell me what you’re really looking for, kirsten?

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